


Gillian Greig

Gillian has been a massage therapist and kinesitherapist since 2009. She that draws from a wide variety of experiences and training to provide every client with an individualized, specific and effective clinical massage treatment plan that includes analysing posture and evaluating movement patterns. Bring a t-shirt or sports bra and shorts to your session.

Restrictions and adhesions in muscles, joints and the deep tissues are treated with therapeutic massage techniques, passive and active stretching kinesthetic and neuro-muscular methods. Although the relief of the immediate symptoms are an important aim, the most important goal is to stimulate inhibited muscles and to correct neuro-motor control issues to leads to downstream improvements resulting in long lasting relief.


Massage and Kinesitherapy Session

When movement restrictions and pain are limiting your activities or preventing a proper night rest, a more specific and targeted approach is needed. An increased focus on postural analysis, muscle tests and other assessments are used to better understand the underlying conditions creating the discomfort. Please wear a t-shirt or sports bra and shorts to your session.

A greater emphasis is placed on the client’s active role throughout the session, and can include muscle contract and release techniques and active stretching methods. Specific movements, muscle activations, breathing exercises and corrective exercises may be assigned to encourage the client to integrate and re- enforce the changes achieved during the session.


Massage Therapy

A generalized massage therapy session is for you if you do not have a major issue at the moment and are more interested in relieving minor tension built up through your regular activities or work habits. Pressure points, deep tissue releases, myofascial therapy and passive stretches are frequently included in the session. No cream or oil will be used.

The focus is on the massage and the objective is to reduce stress, relieve tension and tenderness and to preserve general ease of movement all of which should also result in a reduced risk of potential injury.


Mat Thai Massage

This type of massage is performed on a large comfortable mat to permit different types of stretches and movements to be performed. The emphasis is placed on active or passive stretching and the use of specific pressure points to release the tension in the tissues. Bring a t-shirt or sports bra and yoga pants or shorts to your session.

As with a table therapeutic massage, the focus is on the massage itself and the objective is to reduce stress, relieve tension and tenderness and to preserve general ease of movement all of which should also result in a reduced risk of potential injury.


Make an appointment

with Gillian Greig